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He is a Cloud / Big Data Technology Professional with over 18+ years of experience across various industries and geographies.
Currently heading and leading several Cloud migration initiatives in North America, he is a specialist in Multi-Cloud and Big Data Solution Architecture / Application Migration / Solution Design and Implementation.
He provides technical leadership and mentoring to several tech start-ups in the USA and Canada. Holding multiple AZURE certifications, he trains young minds with a passion.
April 23rd, 2022
6 PM to 8 PM IST
2 hours
Ameya’s uber successful job-guarantee program does just that- guarantees you a job! This program covers almost all our technology courses like Data Science, Data Engineering and DevOps. Our world-class trainers, who are professionals working in the industry, excellent training materials, world class labs and infrastructure, and partnership with companies and placement agencies are the cornerstones of our successful job-guarantee program.
This program is open to freshers, and professionals alike who are looking for that big break in their careers. Join us in the masterclass, listen to our experts talk and contact us to get enrolled.
We understand the job market and what the market wants from you- let us guide you along and get you that dream job of yours!