[ Live ] FREE Masterclass on Cloud Data Engineering

Forge your career into Data by becoming a certified Cloud Data Engineer

    What our "Job Guarantee program" Stands for!

    Ameya Cloud Solutions assures a 100% job guarantee to its trainees! That’s why Ameya is strong in training and placement facilitators in North America & India. Our 100% job guarantee is provided for not one, not two, but for all the major domains we’re covering in the trending world.

    With job guarantee, Ameya is praised for their interactive live learning along with certification. This course is available for fresher/ working professionals/ experts who love to make their career in DevOps or any other IT field. The students get on-time practical tests to check their knowledge and assurance of 100% money back in case of not getting the job after course completion.

    What You Will Learn

    Introduction to Cloud Data

    What should you know to switch your career into Cloud Data?

    What are the key study areas in Cloud Data Engineering?

    What is the skill set you will acquire when you complete a Data Engineer?

    What are the job opportunities?

    What are the certification options?

    Tools & platforms to learn

    Cloud data implementation & analysis

    Why Should You Join This Masterclass

    According to IDC, the global data usage was more than 59 zettabytes (1 ZB = 1 billion terabytes) in 2020. Also, in the next 2–3 years, the global data usage will be more than what was used in the past 30 years combined. As per a report published on Forbes, around 94 per cent of workloads will be hosted on cloud services.

    This Masterclass will help you explore cloud data engineering technologies along with Microsoft azure cloud certification path.

    Expert-Led Interactive Session

    Learn from the Cloud Data Experts form North America

    RoadMap to Microsoft Azure Cloud Data Engineer Certification

    Detailed explanation on skill-set, certification, job roles & more topics

    Job Guarantee

    Get all your Questions Answered, Career Guidance & job-placement support

    Learn Data Technology

    Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Data Lake, Data Factory, Synapse Analytics, Cosmos DB, Databricks, HDInsight, storage

    Don’t wait, Book Now, It’s FREE!

    This live masterclass will be a value-packed session, helping you out with the most powerful lessons and learning to achieve career a successful as a Cloud Data Engineer,

    If any query, Please call us on +1-647-878-9665

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